DIMENSION NETWORK - Network Dimension Infiltrates cryptocurrency ecosystem

Dear Community DIMENSION NETWORK, My post will review this Project. and for more details let's just go to the following discussion topic:
Dimension Network is a hybrid trading platform that is a platform for cryptococcal coins as well as a support system for standard crypto pairs, options and future contracts with so many other derivatives with respect to the companies involved. A set of people will hold the core position. in platform development, and these are the holders of the Strike Coin token (STC) where they benefit from receiving 15% of the cost resulting from trading at the Ethereal address. In addition to these benefits, the token holder will both receive an equivalent portion of the new token generated for real-time currency.
The dimensions of the network infiltrates the ecosystem of cryptocurrency in such a way that it is business-oriented and operating in nature. The target focus for the development of this platform is to make research and some innovations quite helpful in delivering sensible results where real-world problems are solved and standard market levels are achieved.
The Network Platform Dimension has a business plan that is divided into three (3) categories. This category includes;
1. Centralized Trade,
2. Decentralized Trade
3. Real-Time Currency.
Trading Centralization (quick revenue generation): This system helps build the concept of measurable high-performance trading for derivatives such as coins, option contracts, future contracts, shortings, margins. There is a significant shipment of financial benefits directed by hedge and leverage growth and also contributes to future development funding. Institutional clients such as multi-currency liquidity aggregators will be interested in using this platform. Good licenses will be pursued in some jurisdictions to ensure users ability to deposit and withdraw FIAT.
Decentralized Trade (Security and Transparency): For platform replication, decentralized networks will be used that will ensure unlimited, transparent, fully transparent and free trade from centralizing risk.
The direct link between decentralized networks and existing centralized networks ensures early liquidity in this decentralized network.
Both platforms complement each other and allow the opportunity to create decentralized technologies and protocols for future development. Risky profiles and desires can be met when users interact on this platform, for example users may want an instant transaction where a centralized platform can be used while users who want cryptographically guaranteed security can use a decentralized platform.
Real-Time Currency: The third objective is to provide the real transactional currency that exists for the exploitation of the customer base to gain attraction in the primary market.
Token Strike Coin (STC) and Token Sale
The network dimension issues a token type that performs several functions; This token is a Strike Coin token (STC). The reward for becoming a token holder includes part of the generated token. The initial sale of the STC token, also called Initial Coin Offering (ICO), is a standard system practiced within the crypto industry where tokens are offered in connection with funding made by the original contributor. Ultimately, the funds earned / generated through the sale of these tokens are used to develop the Dimensions Network Platform for the next destination.
Detail Token
Name --------------------- Strike Coin
Symbol -------------------- STC
Type- ---------------------- ERC20
Decimal place for the smallest unit ------------ 18th place
Publishing Price ------ --------------------- 1ETH = 800 STC
Target to Raise ---------------------- ---- 150,000
ETH Currency received ---------------------
Publishing Maximum Best Possible ---------------- 240.000.000
Country Limited --------------------------- China, Singapore, USA.
Restricted countries are due to devices in IP addresses that restrict access ie IP blocking to token sales in those countries. In these countries, such as the United States, people will not be allowed to purchase an STC token in the Early Network Dimension sales token.
Distribution Tokens
Token Sale -------------- 60%
Partnership & Business Advisers ----------- 20%
Founder ------------ --------- 10%
Employee Incentives ------------- 10%
Token Trading
Token is automatically distributed to the Ethereum Shipping Address where the token will be locked for about 3 weeks after completion of the token sale where the item may be traded thereafter.
The initial plan for recording includes;
- Etherdelta
- Liqui
- Bittrex
- Binance
Gift Token
As mentioned above, the 15% share of the generated token will be given as a reward for the token holder. This award has been distributed every 3 months as an Etereum benchmark to the holder with the date of the rewards issued but recently, plans to move the awards to be awarded every month, every week and every day. One thing to note at the outset is that: as the duration between the issuance of rewards decreases, the volume of wage increases, therefore, requires new plans to set the duration of the prize issuance
To get more detailed information and join the current Dimension Network Project please visit the following Links:
Website: https://dimensions.network/en/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DN_STC
Telegram: https://t.me/DimensionsTalk
Bitcointalk (Peot) : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1137199
My ETH Address: 0x4870A7b246B1C2dF4e6749ac352c8f932B21304e
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